360° Video for Connective t(Issues) Documentation / by Les Stuck

Work by choreographers Kara Davis, Todd Eckert, Bliss Kohlmyer, Nol Simonse. Dress rehearsal, May 11, 2018. Head-tracked Ambisonic sound in YouTube app.

Kara Davis brought me to DZINE furniture and art store to document Connective t(Issues), a collaborative dance performance set in a well-lit furniture store. The space permitted simultaneous works by choreographers Kara Davis, Todd Eckert, Bliss Kohlmyer, Nol Simonse, working with dancers Crystaldawn Bell, Manuelito Biag, Jennifer Bishop, Kara Davis, Todd Eckert, Amy Foley, Norma Fong, Bliss Kohlmyer, Randee Paufve, Nol Simonse, Suzette Sagisi, Dazaun Soleyn, Victor Talledos, and Katherine Wells. Music by Karl Digerness. Visual design by Ian Winters. Grip support by Little Giant. When the above URL is played in Google Cardboard with the YouTube app on a smartphone, headphones reveal head-tracked Ambisonics. Although my camera (Richo V) is low-resolution (3840x1920), one does get a sense of how this location could work well for 360° dance. Stay tuned!